Montana State Legislature

Required Reports

Required Reports

State law requires that a number of reports be provided to the Children and Families Committee throughout the interim. The reports will be posted as they are provided to the committee.

Report Entity Deadline Statute
Office of the Child and Family Ombudsman Annual Report DOJ Annual 41-3-1211
Board of Medical Examiners, Montana Prescription Drug Registry Report** DLI September 2024 37-7-1514
Medicaid Expansion Quarterly Report** DPHHS Quarterly 53-6-1325

Medicaid Change Reporting, Provider Rates Report**

DPHHS As Needed 53-6-101
HELP-Link Workforce Program Reporting** DPHHS September 2024 39-12-103
Children’s Mental Health Bureau, Targeted Case Management Semiannual Report DPHHS Semiannual 53-21-508
Out of State Placement Report DPHHS Annual 52-2-311
Section 1115 Waiver Proposal: HEART Initiative* DPHHS Report not required by committee  
Mental Health Ombudsman Annual Report DPHHS Annual 2-15-210
Healing and Ending Addiction Through Recovery and Treatment Account Report DPHHS September 2024 16-12-122
CPS Volunteer Program Activities Report DPHHS September 2024 41-3-132
Systemic Oversight of CPS Activities DPHHS As needed 41-3-1215
Private Alternative Adolescent Residential or Outdoor Programs Report DPHHS September 2024 52-2-803
Fiscal Accountability for Home and Community-Based Services Report DPHHS September 2024 53-6-406
Medicaid Managed Care DPHHS As needed 53-6-710
Montana Developmental Center Residents Report DPHHS September 2024 53-20-225
Montana Foster Youth Higher Education Assistance Program Report OCHE September 2024 20-26-633
Coordinating Council for State Prevention Programs Report Interagency Report to Legislature 2-15-225
Transition Review Committee “Regular” Report Legislative Services End of Interim - Report to Legislature HB 29 (2023)
Task Force on a Court System for Dependency and Neglect Cases Final Report Legislative Services End of Interim - Report to Legislature SB 182 (2023)
Task Force to Modify and Improve the Child Protective Services System Final Report Legislative Services End of Interim - Report to Legislature SB 352 (2023)

*These reports are not statutorily-required to be sent to INTERIM COMMITTEES, but the appropriate department/agency has a statutory requirement to monitor these boards, etc.
**These reports are statutorily-required to be sent to multiple interim committees.

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